[希望閱讀]1117活動紀實 兄弟象救世主-莊宏亮
Nov 20

Noah Rubin Brier(2004), “This Way App”, American Demographics, 26(7), pp.16-21

Available on: http://www.demographics.com/

Summary: RSS most commonly stands for Really Simple Syndication and essentially allows all types of information Web sites to broadcast their site updates to any user who subscribes to their RSS feeds. With RSS, users are in complete control of the information they receive. Employing a program called an aggregator or newsreader, users can access any of millions of RSS feeds ranging from front page stories in The New York Times to price drops on digital cameras via CNET, and every blog in between. With e-mail inboxes cluttered with newsletters, and spam filters working so effectively that they are blocking even non-spam marketing messages, RSS is a good choice for getting a company’s word out. Projections are that RSS advertising will make up 2% of the US online ad budget by 2007, at about $35.8 million, and will erode 12% of e-mail revenues by 2006.

RSS 大多指的是Really Simple Syndication 的縮寫,台灣有人將之譯為為真正簡單聯合供稿系統(數位學習技術中心,胡仲軒)。在本質上,網站可以利用RSS技術來發佈網站內容,並將更新後的內容播送到使用者端。而使用者可以從網站那邊獲得一個叫做RSS Feed的檔案,來訂閱他們想要觀看的各種網站資訊。利用RSS,使用者可以完全掌控資訊的接收權。只要使用一個聚合軟體(或稱新聞閱讀軟體),使用者即可存取無數的RSS Feed,無論是New York Times的頭版新聞,CNET上的數位相機降價消息以及任何部落格文章。當我們的電子郵件信箱中塞滿了雜亂的新聞電子報,而過濾器因為太有效率以致於擋掉了非垃圾郵件的行銷資訊時,RSS就成為了公司出版新消息的好選擇。預估RSS廣告將在2007年,在美國網路廣告佔有2%,達到約三千五百八十萬美元的市場,並且將會在2006年侵蝕電子郵件的收益。

圖一、RSS Feed自2003年四月以來每個月以10%在成長



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